Written in the Stars… Or Not

In astrology, certain signs are more compatible with others. For example, signs of the same element, such as Pisces and Cancer, and more compatible than signs of different elements, such as Cancer and Libra. Signs that are more compatible are more likely to form strong and harmonious relationships. However, does a good relationship need to … Continue reading Written in the Stars… Or Not

The History of Astrology

Astrology is a cool concept, but the history of it is even cooler. Since the beginning of civilization, people have looked up to the sky in amazement and wanted to learn about its mysterious ways. Over time, different cultures adopted different methods of predicting events and interpreting the sky. One of the first interpretations of … Continue reading The History of Astrology

Horoscopes – Real or Fake?

Next up on your astrology journey is to learn about horoscopes. If you’ve ever seen company Snapchat stories, Buzzfeed posts, or any magazine, you know that there are countless articles for your “daily horoscope." I personally doubt the truthfulness of horoscopes, but I think that you should decide for yourself after reading this post. “Daily … Continue reading Horoscopes – Real or Fake?